Eva Fischer biography

Investor and founder, Eva Fischer

is 59 years old and the mother of two children, aged 26 and 22.

With a background as a business leader, board chair and business advisor, Eva continuously contributes to the strategic and value decisions that underpin Balance2Perform's management.

Eva works with value-based, collaborative leadership. Among other things, she led the turnaround and sale of Brunata, one of Europe's leading greentech companies, and when ALPHA-Elektronik had to go through a turnaround and sale, she was at the helm once again.

Eva grew up in a family business with honesty, integrity and care as core values, and quality and customer satisfaction are a constant goal of her commitment.

Eva's personal interest in body therapy was sparked when she underwent a course of treatment with Robert Petersen some years ago. Here she experienced how effective the methods of body therapy are and how she could use body therapy not only personally but also as a professional woman. The experience became the precursor to her professional collaboration with Robert and later to their joint founding of Balance2Perform as an educational institution and treatment and training centre.

Eva continues to use a lot of the techniques she has learnt in therapy as a kind of toolkit that she can bring out when needed - both in relation to herself, but also in coaching other people and companies. She highlights how body therapy has made her better at listening to her body's signals and how she has become more reflective about what these signals mean for both her physical and mental well-being in everyday life.

Eva and Robert are both extremely motivated to provide Balance2Perform's students with the best body therapy training on the market, so that the students can then provide exceptionally effective treatment.

At the same time, they are looking forward to welcoming the entire universe of Balance2Perform, which in addition to the school also offers B2P treatments, various forms of training, courses, events and much more.

Eva Fischer Hansen, co-founder Balance2Perform