Information meetings

We hold information meetings at regular intervals. Below we will keep you updated about upcoming info meetings.

The next information meeting will be held on December 03, 2024.

Time: December 03, 17-20
Address: Østergade 27, 4th floor, 1100 Copenhagen K.
Food, water, tea and coffee are included

Are you unsure or just curious if Balance2Perform is for you? Come to an information meeting about our 2-year body therapist program and get all the professional and practical information you need.

At the information meeting, we'll give you a basic understanding of what you'll go through during the 2-year program with us, and there will be an opportunity to meet our teachers, Robert Petersen and Henrik Kullas.

The information meeting is free and open to all, but registration is required. There are a limited number of seats, so we work on a first-come, first-served basis.